Proposing an Education Summit Talk

<blockquote class="callout"> <b>PyCon US 2018 Education Summit CFP has closed</b><br><br> Remaining timeline: <ul> <li><s>September 25 — Our Call For Proposals opens.</s> <li><s>January 3 — Our Call For Proposals closes.</s> <li><s>February — We send acceptance and rejection emails.</s> <li>March — The schedule is posted here on the web site. <li>May 10 — The Education Summit talks are presented at Pycon. </blockquote> We are glad you are interested in giving a talk at the PyCon Education Summit! The event will be held at the Huntington Convention Center Thursday, May 10, 2018 from 9am to 4:30pm. Registration for the event launch January 2018. To learn how to submit a proposal, visit the [main Speaking page](/2018/speaking/)! This page will give you a bit of history about the Education Summit and information about some expectations. PyCon does not want expenses to discourage you from submitting a proposal, and offers speaker grants ensure that anyone can speak at PyCon. When you create a speaker profile, check the box to indicate that you require a speaker grant. This is not seen by the proposal reviewers and does not affect the review of your proposal. After proposals are selected, we'll reach out to you regarding your needs. We understand situations can change, and are here for you. If you have any questions let us know at []( # History The PyCon Education Summit was started by Naomi Ceder in 2013. The Summit has become a friendly and rewarding place to share ideas over the past several years, and this year, we are looking to continue the tradition of sharing knowledge while focusing on implementing what we have learned in our collective experiences teaching Python in our schools and communities. # What to expect The Summit is scheduled to run all day, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. During the day, there will be two breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We will also break one hour for lunch. <span class="label label-note"> Note:</span> All speakers and attendees of the Education Summit **must** also be registered for the conference. We are looking for calls to action about how teachers and Python programmers have implemented Python instruction in their schools, communities, and other places of learning. * Have you implemented a program that you've been dying to talk about? * Have you tried something that failed but learned some great lessons that you can share? * Have you learned of a tool or technique that helped you teach more successfully OR helps your students learn more effectively? Then we urge you to submit a talk! You do NOT need to be an experienced speaker! We want you to share knowledge; we want to learn from your experiences. This year, talks that focus on the challenges and triumphs of implementing coding education are especially encouraged. Below are links to previous PyCon Education Summit schedules: * [PyCon 2017](/2017/events/edusummit/schedule/) * [PyCon 2016](/2016/events/edusummit/schedule/) * [PyCon 2015](/2015/events/edusummit/schedule/) **Submit your proposal early!** The Summit committee will provide feedback to talks that come into our system, and we _will_ work with you to improve your proposal to improve your chances of being selected to speak, **however** this is only feasible if your proposal is submitted well before deadline.