Garrett Gu

Garrett Gu

Garrett is a Systems Engineer at Cloudflare who graduated from UT Austin in 2023 with a master’s degree after losing a bet to a squirrel. Over the years, Garrett has developed lots of software related to systems, security, and compilers, some of which is useful, like the first plugin supporting WebAssembly in the Ghidra decompiler, or a Python script that outputs an Emoji Movie quote of the day.

On the side Garrett enjoys building indie games, playing jazz piano, reading fortune cookies aloud, eating cereal with a fork, and composing weird electronic music for a prodigious audience of 45 Spotify followers.


Sponsor Presentations: Python in Cloudflare Workers – Running Pyodide on the Edge (Sponsor: Cloudflare)
Thursday 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. in sponsor-presentations - Room 308