In 2022, PyCon US will be holding its 10th annual Python Education Summit in-person!
The Summit is a gathering of teachers and educators focused on bringing coding literacy, through Python, to as broad a group of audiences as possible. We invite educators from all venues to consider joining the discussion, share insights, learn new techniques and tools and generally share their passion for education. We are looking for educators from many venues: authors; schools, colleges, universities; community-based workshops; online programs; and government. Not only will we have a wide array of full-blown talks, we will also have a round of lightning talks!
The theme for this year will be myths. We want this year to explore myths around learning, teaching, content, access, etc. within the context of Python and computing education. These could include, but not limited to:
You are welcome to freely interpret myths!
We will have a track of talks during the morning session and (tentatively) "mini-sprints" afternoon session. We invite anyone interested in Python and education to submit proposals. Talks / mini-sprint ideas will be selected based on feedback received.
Talks: 20-minute talk + 5 minutes of questions (the schedule allows for an extra 5 minutes in case things run over)
Lightning talks: will be selected from the main talks
Mini sprints (tentative, depending on submissions): This will be a short work session, designed by a proposer. These may include: a working group to review/edit some open source material, outline the needs or structure for a specific set of best practices, a short workshop on a tool or technique, etc. Caution: proposals that are made to support or train on a commercial product and other "infomercial" proposals are not likely to be accepted. Examples: play with circuit python, review modules or assessments in an open access book, discuss best practices for certain teaching techniques, etc.
Proposals are now closed! Thanks for submitting a talk.
The goal of the Summit is to bring together leaders from multiple educational venues to:
It is our hope that the Summit will serve as a catalyst leading into the rest of PyCon US to encourage even more interaction - hallway discussions, open spaces, lightning talks, and sprints.
Anyone attending this summit will gain a broader understanding of approaches, issues, resources, and constraints in teaching Python, will have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion and will make contacts with other teachers of Python from across the community.
The Education Summit takes place on Thursday, April 28th
We will have our talks and lightning talks presented, hopefully with plenty of time for questions and breakout discussion.
Talk information will be added as our presenters confirm their attendance.
Our current schedule is below, all in Salt Lake City (Mountain) time:
We encourage all attendees to engage in the dialogue. We are anxious to hear your questions, see your ideas and experience your passion for education and Python. So please come willing to learn, to participate and, most importantly, to teach.
If you have questions, please contact us.