Thursday 1:20 p.m.–4:40 p.m.

Introduction to Web (and data!) Scraping with Python

Katharine Jarmul

Audience level:
Python Libraries


Want to learn how to scrape the web (and / or organized data sets and APIs) for content? This tutorial will give you the building blocks (and code) to begin your own scraping adventures. We will review basic data scraping, API usage, form submission as well as how to scrape pesky bits like Javascript-usage for DOM manipulation.


This tutorial will aim to teach python developers the first steps of scraping the web. It will talk about three major scraping libraries and give interactive (read: we're writing code!) demonstrations of each of the libraries. Students will leave the tutorial with lots of bits of working scrapers for a few different types of sites as well as some form submission knowledge. There will also be some portions of going over best practices in terms of approaching web scraping as well as a word of caution regarding the legality of such practices. It will additionally talk about scraping data from other types of files like APIs, CSVs, XML responses and the like.

Student Handout

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