Christopher Ariza

Christopher Ariza

Christopher Ariza is Partner and Chief Technology Officer at Research Affiliates, a global leader in investment strategies and research. He is the creator and lead developer of StaticFrame, an alternative DataFrame library built on an immutable data model. Having worked in Python for over 20 years, he has developed tools in a variety of domains, including algorithmic music composition and computer-aided musicology, and has spoken at numerous conferences, including PyCon USA, PyData Global, PyData Los Angeles, and numerous other venues.

Prior to joining Research Affiliates, he was Visiting Assistant Professor of Music at MIT, Assistant Editor at the Computer Music Journal, and Assistant Professor of Recording Arts and Music Technology at Towson University. He has a PhD and MA in music theory and composition from New York University, and a BA in music from Harvard University.

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Talks: Building NumPy Arrays from CSV Files, Faster than Pandas
Friday 12:15 p.m.–12:45 p.m. in talks - 255DEF