Aya Elsayed
Aya Elsayed (@ayaeelsayed) is a software engineer at Bloomberg. She’s a leader in the company's Python Guild, which aims to support Python engineers at Bloomberg to innovate, develop Python packages, and stay connected to the broader Python community. Aya is a PyCon UK 2022 speaker and has also delivered workshops at internal and local meetups like PyLadies London. Aya also co-leads a local Women in Tech community that supports women to grow their technical careers at Bloomberg. She also enjoys Pilates and trying out restaurants around London.
Tutorials: You CAN teach an old doc new tricks: Automate your project documentation using Sphinx & GitHub Actions
Thursday 1:30 p.m.–5 p.m. in tutorials - 250C
Thursday 1:30 p.m.–5 p.m. in tutorials - 250C