PyCon Pittsburgh. April 15-23, 2020.

Talk: Developing With Doctests

Presented by:

Jon Crall


This talk is about doctests — a way to embed examples and unit tests in docstrings. I describe what they are, how to write them, and interesting ways in which they can be used. Doctests make it easy to interactively develop code by defining “demo” inputs which can be copied into IPython. The side effect is a unit test. This is test-driven-development at its best. I explain the technical details of doctest syntax, directives, parsing, and execution.

Unfortunately, Python’s builtin doctest module has a restrictive syntax, which makes it difficult to use. In the second part of the talk I introduce an alternative: Xdoctest, a new, but stable package for parsing and running doctests (with optional pytest integration). I explain why doctest’s regex-based parser is fundamentally limited and how xdoctest’s ast-based parser is the remedy. I demonstrate how to use xdoctest and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. By the end of this talk you feel confident in writing, running, and developing with doctests.


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