Choosing a Tutorial topic
Choosing a tutorial topic doesn't have to be difficult. As we're a vibrant community with a variety of interests, selecting a topic that you are excited to share with others is a great place to start.
Looking at the tutorials that were accepted in past years and watching previews of them on []( will show the breadth of topics that have been taught before. New tutorial topics are encouraged too! Here are links to the tutorials from 2015 and 2014:
* [Tutorials PyCon 2015](
* [Tutorials PyCon 2014](
## Survey results of PyCon 2015 attendees
We've compiled a list of topics that the PyCon 2015 attendees suggested for tutorials in 2016. Here are the suggested topics (randomly ordered):
- Django
- 3D
- Imaging processing
- Deep learning
- UI design
- Game development
- Analytics
- Theano
- PyMC
- Advanced machine learning
- scikit-learn
- More Python epiphanies
- Game AI
- Kivy
- Into to Parallel Python
- UI development
- Intermediate Python
- Bayesian stats
- Matplotlib
- Scipy
- Numpy
- Techniques for very large amounts of data
- Graphing and plotting with Python
- Information security topics
- Data Science
- “Think Complexity, Think DSP!”
- Natural Language Processing
- Advanced features and topics of Python
- Administration
- Deployment
- Data analysis
- Data visualization
- Pandas
- Advanced IPython tutorials
- Games
- Pen testing
- Widgets
- Workflows
- Collaborations
- Mobile experience
- Flask
- web application development
- packaging and distribution
- RESTful web services
- Information Security topics
- Machine learning
- Advanced Blender and Python
- Advanced Python
- New to Python
- Testing
- Micro frameworks
- Python standard library's practical usage, e.g. itertools, collections, et cetera
- elastic/solr search
- Data Mining, NLP, Clustering, Optimization
- Pyramid
- Flask Advanced
- IPython
- Statsmodel
- Parallel Python
- web scraping
- OpenStack
- Elasticsearch advanced
- Django REST Framework
- PyQt
- PyInstaller
- CPython
- Metaclasses
- Writing SQLAlchemy-like declarative classes
- ORMs
- SaltStack
- PyCharm
- Creating/contributing Modules
- Intermediate Python
- How to hook your kid on Python
- MineCraft
- crypto
- App/GUI development
- scikitlearn, numpy and scipy
- Twisted
- Python 3
- Converting Python 2 to 3
- In depth Django tutorials, including the admin
- Jython
- Python idioms
- Embedding other language code in python (eg: C, Java)
- Python finance, geography, and travel hacks
- Big data
- “How to design your modules — in particular, for scientists”
- Network analysis
- Ansible, Foreman, Puppet, Chef and Salt — anything to make standing up servers easier
- more signal processing & use of scientific software for Python
- mathematical modeling
- physics
- CPython - contribute and C-API
- Design for non-designers (Make your site look nice simply)
- scikit-image
- Async
- http2
- Security
- Python for finance
- Python for geography/GIS/travel
- Core Python demystified
- Integration with Angular or Ember
- Feature engineering for different types of problems
- Moving from intermediate to advanced Python
- Bottle framework
- Audio and Music
- Multimedia
- Video Games
- Entertainment Technology
- Python, Elasticsearch, AWS
- Celery
- Rabbit MQ
- Python 3
- SaltStack
- Python Bindings to C
- Cython
- Building Python Packages (Wheels, Debs and RPMs)
- Extending Python with the AST module