Change the future

Audrey M. Roy

Audrey M. Roy

Audrey Roy is co-author of Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices For Django 1.5 and co-creator and maintainer of Django Packages and the underlying OpenComparison framework.

Audrey is also an artist who uses Python as one of many tools to generate visual art and sound. Her Python artwork has been exhibited in art galleries in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Audrey met her fiancé, Daniel Greenfeld, at PyCon 2010. Since then, she has led various Python and open source community initiatives, including PyCon Philippines, the LA Open Source Hackathon series, and PyLadies. She received the Python community service award at PyCon 2012.

Audrey is a principal at Cartwheel Web, a consulting firm in Los Angeles specializing in Python and Django web applications.


Using Python To Generate Art And Sound