
Practical PyScript

Wednesday, May 14th, 2025 1:30 p.m.–5 p.m. in Room 320

Experience Level:

Some experience


PyScript is a fast growing and vibrant open source platform for Python in the browser. Thanks to PyScript, CPython and MicroPython run anywhere a browser runs, which is everywhere!

This tutorial, aimed at all levels of experience and delivered by PyScript core developers, will take you through initial steps needed to get PyScript working (hint: it's a single line added to an HTML <head> element). Afterwards we'll explore the many APIs, modules, libraries, frameworks and tooling that have coalesced around PyScript since its announcement at PyCon three years ago. This will involve a guided tour of the potpourri of PyScript: tooling, idiomatic PyScript, core browser capabilities, writing games with PyGame, data science, artificial intelligence, application frameworks and UI toolkits, and Internet of Things / robotics. We'll finish with an extended opportunity for folks to get their hands dirty with PyScript based explorations and conclude with a friendly and supportive "show and tell" session where folks can demo their work and share their experiences.

By the end of the tutorial you'll be a confident user of PyScript, understand its expanding ecosystem and know where the community signposts and gatherings can be found. But most of all, it's going to be a lot of stimulating supportive fun.

This tutorial complements and would be excellent prep for Ɓukasz Langa's advanced, and frankly mind-blowing, PyScript / WebGL tutorial later in the conference.
