If you need to build a user interface for your Python code, many guides will tell you that your only options are to use the command line, or wrap your code in a web interface. However, there is another option - building a native GUI interface. In fact for some use cases, a GUI app may be your only option.
In this talk, you'll learn how to build and run a graphical user interface (GUI) that can run on your desktop, on your phone, or in a browser. You'll learn how you can use the BeeWare suite of tools to bootstrap a new GUI project, develop a GUI interface, and deploy that app to multiple desktop and mobile platforms, without making any code changes. You'll learn how to access device hardware like GPS and cameras; and you'll learn how to distribute your application - including all runtimes and third-party libraries - to others. Lastly, you'll get a brief introduction to how you can access native platform APIs that don't have a Python API.