
When GPUs Make Python Slower: Patterns and Pitfalls

Saturday, May 17th, 2025 11:15 a.m.–11:45 a.m. in Ballroom BC

Presented by

Kaashif Hymabaccus

Experience Level:

Some experience


When does GPU acceleration slow down your Python code? More often than you might think! Join me to explore the world of GPU acceleration, in which I will walk through some use cases where it makes your code faster and slower, and sometimes much slower. I’ll explain what GPU accelerated libraries like Numba, CuPy, cuDF and cuGraph really do, and we’ll dive into string processing, memory transfer overhead, and real-world case studies in processing time-series data. Whether you’re new to GPU acceleration or already using it in production, you’ll better understand when using GPUs help, when it doesn’t, and when you should reach for other ways to make your Python code faster.
