Bulk Registration
You can bulk purchase registrations for your employees to attend PyCon US 2025. You can also pre-pay for tutorial registrations for your attendees once Tutorials are launched.
You will receive one voucher code for each selection made. These voucher codes can be distributed to your team and will be redeemable the selected number of times.
For example:
- If you purchase a voucher for 10 "Corporate" registrations, then 10 attendees will be able to redeem that voucher for registration.
- If you purchase a voucher for 40 "Tutorials", then up to 40 tutorials can be redeemed by up to 40 attendees. Attendees can only register for 4 tutorials each, so if you distribute that voucher code to 10 attendees, they will be able to redeem all 40 tutorials among them.
Follow the guides below for more detail, or jump right in:
1) Sign-up for a us.pycon.org account
at https://us.pycon.org/2025/accounts/signup/

2) Check your email!
You'll need to confirm your account to continue.

3) Sign in to your us.pycon.org account
at https://us.pycon.org/2025/accounts/login/
4) Go the bulk registration form at
If you have not already provided your billing information, you'll need to supply that first

5) Make your selections for the Products and Categories you'd like to purchase vouchers.
Then click "Continue".

6) An Invoice will be generated.
Select "Pay by Credit Card"

7) Provide your card details and select "PAY $"

8) Great! Your payment cleared!
You will see the following in your dashboard at https://us.pycon.org/2025/accounts/dashboard/

9) Within 5-10 minutes your purchase will be automatically fulfilled
You will receive an email confirming when that is completed

10) You can also access your fulfilled vouchers via your dashboard

11) Keep track of who has used your bulk vouchers
You can return to your dashboard at any time to view a report of who has registered using your voucher by clicking "See who has registered"
Getting your employees registered
Once your vouchers have been fulfilled you can distribute them to your employees so that they can self register with no payment required.
New registrations
1) Attendees must...
Each (individually) Sign Up for us.pycon.org, Confirm their email address, and Sign In to us.pycon.org. They can then begin registration from their dashboard at https://us.pycon.org/2025/accounts/dashboard/ and clicking "Register for the conference".

2) The attendee will need to fill out an Attendee Profile and click "Next".
They should supply the voucher code for Registration products at this time. Vouchers for additional products or categories will be applied in a later step.

3) The attendee can select the Conference Registration product matching their prepaid voucher discount.

4) The attendee can proceed through the remainder of the registration flow selecting other items
They will need to pay individually for anything chosen not covered by the voucher(s) Eventually landing at a summary screen:

5) If the attendee has been provided with a voucher for additional prepaid items
The vouchers can be added 1-at-a-time using the "Apply voucher code" button on the summary page.

6) Now when returning to the Category in which the voucher is applied the attendee will see the discount as available:

7) After making their final selections they will return to the summary screen
and click "Check out and pay for these items"

8) An invoice will be generated including all prepaid discounts from any vouchers.
If the attendee did not add any paid items beyond their voucher codes their invoice will show as paid and their registration will be confirmed.

That's it! Your attendee is registered with their bulk purchased voucher!
For attendees with existing registrations or carts
Some attendees may already have added items to their cart or may be adding additional pre-paid items via vouchers. Vouchers can be applied to enable the prepaid discounts for these items.
Note: The attendee will have to ensure that they've selected the matching product for a given voucher in order for it to apply.
For example: if an attendee has added "Conference Registration - Individual" to their cart they will need to return to "Add or Update Items", select "Conference Registration", and update their selection to be "Conference Registration - Corporate".
1) From their dashboard at https://us.pycon.org/2025/accounts/dashboard/, the attendee should select either "Add to your Registration" or "Add or Remove items in Cart" from under the "Registration section" of their dashboard depending on if they have items in their cart.
2) Select "Apply Voucher" and submit the form
3) Check to make sure that their selections for the Products/Categories involved is the same as the discounts shown in the Category.
4) Check out and pay