Yury Selivanov
I'm a Python core developer since 2013 and CEO/co-founder of EdgeDB.
As part of my core development career I authored 8 PEPs, most notably the one that added async/await syntax to Python. I've been the lead maintainer of asyncio for a few years, and today I still assist Guido and the core team with asyncio maintenance and direction.
EdgeDB, the company that I co-founded, works on implementing a next generation relational database, we can call it SQL 2.0. A bulk of its systems are written in Python, and my experience of building this complex codebase channels into my CPython contributions. This talk is a direct result of this practice: we need to optimize EdgeDB to run in the cloud in the most cost-effective way, and reducing the memory pressure is key.
I've a lot of experience delivering talks at conferences, including PyCon US, PyCon Canada, EuroPython, and a few others. I've been invited to a number of podcasts over the past few years. I'm continuously improving my presentation skills and plan this PyCon US talk (if accepted) to be the best I've ever delivered.
Saturday 11:15 a.m.–11:45 a.m. in talks - Ballroom BC