David Hewitt
David is a Staff Software Engineer at Pydantic and lead maintainer of PyO3, and a Python developer for a decade. Ever since discovering Rust shortly after its 1.0 release in 2015 David has been passionate about using Rust as well as Python. In 2019 David found PyO3 needing more contributors and previous experience working in a mixed Python/C++ codebase had left him with plenty of ideas of how Rust & Python can flourish together. Nowadays Rust is powering the core of many Python packages and David works to continue to build this growing ecosystem.
Talks: How Python Harnesses Rust through PyO3
Saturday 1:30 p.m.–2:15 p.m. in talks - Room 301-305
Saturday 1:30 p.m.–2:15 p.m. in talks - Room 301-305