BioCurious Salon meetup

Bio Salon 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Join us for a small, informal get together where we chat about Biology, BioCurious, nanotechnology, hackerspaces, the scientific process, upcoming classes and other things relevant to 21st century living. Usually we get an eclectic mix of people from different backgrounds, and many interesting discussions. Some solids and liquids will be provided.


  • Sheila Miguez (I rsvp'd + 2 for the meetup) (I don't want to miss lightning talks, so I probably won't leave in time to get there at 6:30)
  • ...

How to get there?

1 hour walk, 8 minute drive.

We can carpool, call a cab, etc.

community/openspaces/biocurious Recently modified by codersquid: March 4, 2012, 12:30 p.m. (History) Edit