Financial Aid

Information for PyCon 2012

PyCon has a proud tradition of offering grants and financial aid to assist people from all over the world to attend PyCon. This year is no different - and we are proud to continue this tradition, and we are looking forward to assisting as many people as we can.

The Python Software Foundations is pleased to announce that there is an expanded set of grants to help people attend PyCon 2012. If you would like to come to PyCon but can't afford it, the PSF may be able to help you.



Applications for Financial aid will be opened when conference registration opens. Applications must be submitted by January 07, 2012 - The Financial Aid Coordinator and the PSF's Conference Committee will review the applications and allocate financial aid to a subset of the applicants. You should be notified of the status of your application by January 10th, 2012.

You can submit your applications for financial aid using the Google Docs form here.

Contact if you have any questions about Financial Aid for PyCon 2012.

Grant for Women

In a partnership with PyLadies, we're happy to offer a financial aid grant program tailored towards women in the community. Applications are handled by the PyLadies group and must be submitted by January 31, 2012. Notification of application status will be delivered by February 7, 2012. Note that these dates are later than the general PyCon financial aid deadlines.

For more information on this grant, see the PyLadies Call for Applications.

You can submit applications for financial aid using the Google Docs form here.

Contact if you have any questions about this specific grant program for PyCon 2012.

Conference Registration

If you are applying for financial aid to assist with the conference registration, you should not fill in the conference register form. All approved financial aid applicants who request assistance with the conference registration will be registered by the financial aid coordinators.


  • Financial aid recipients will need to go through the application and approval process.
  • Financial aid is available for the conference registration, a hotel room, travel expenses and a limited number of tutorials.
  • No other costs (food, etc.) can be covered by financial aid grant awards.
  • All expenses MUST be documented for reimbursement to be made.
  • Financial aid recipients requesting hotel assistance will be required to participate in the room-share program at the conference hotel. Information will be provided to accepted applicants.

The Financial Aid Coordinator and the PyCon Conference Committee will review the applications and allocate financial aid to a subset of the applicants. You should be notified of the status of your application by January 10, 2012.

We will try to maximize the benefit of the financial aid. For example, three people who need small amounts are more likely to be funded than one person who needs a large amount. To improve your chances, you should request the minimum amount you need to attend PyCon, and support your request with evidence that your presence will benefit PyCon and the Python community. In other words, make your application as attractive as possible.


  • Hotel room vouchers (No-cash-value vouchers, accepted by the hotel) will be issued for approved hotel room coverage. The rooms themselves will be guaranteed by PyCon itself.
assistance Recently modified by pkropf: Dec. 21, 2011, 2:30 p.m. (History)