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PyCon 2011 Atlanta

March 9th–17th

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Tutorial Notes Information

You are expected to produce class notes for all of your students. They may be as simple as copying your slide presentation or as elaborate as presenting professional notes suitable for publication.

While you are making your slides for the class you may want to leave a blank are in each slide for the AV crew to use when they superimpose your image. We'll try to get more information from our AV friends about what would work best.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • We will make copies of your notes if we receive the master copy on or before March 1, 2011.
  • Your notes will be delivered to your classroom before your session starts.
  • Submit notes in pdf format only.
  • Email the notes to "PyCon Tutorial List" <> with the subject line being the title of your class (unless it's an insanely long title).
  • If your notes are too big to email, let us know where we can download them.
  • Page format must be 8 1/2 x 11. No legal or A4, please.
  • Please limit the number of pages of notes. Informally, we ask to keep it under 50 pages but realize some classes require more. Use what you need but remember, nobody is impressed by needless pages of notes.
  • Notes will be printed in black and white (and gray-scale). If you have a 1 or 2 page "cheat sheet" we will consider printing it in card stock (in color) as a separate handout.
  • No material subject to copyright may be included in your notes without written consent from the copyright holder. We have not been good about this in the past but our printer says this must be observed.
  • Do not send draft copies of your notes! Once the notes are submitted they will be forwarded for printing. We will not pay for a second set of notes to be printed.
  • Notes will be printed 2-sided.
  • If you make simple copies of your slides (without annotations), please print 2 slides per page. This not only saves on precious resources but reduces the amount of paper students have to carry around.
  • You may have multiple handouts.
tutorialdays/tutorial_notes_info Recently modified by gslindstrom: Nov. 2, 2010, 5:28 p.m. (History) Edit