Using the Allura Platform to Create Your Own Forge
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In late 2009 SourceForge embarked on a plan to rebuild our developer tools on top of an open platform including Python, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, and Solr. The resulting platform "Allura" was recently released as open source software. This poster describes what you get 'out of the box' with Allura and how to extend it with your own plugin applications.
The poster includes an overview of the Allura platform architecture. Particularly, it covers the overall project-based URL structure of an Allura installation, the offline servers required for the data model (MongoDB), messaging (RabbitMQ), search (Solr), and SCM (Git, Subversion, and Mercurial).
It will also describe the Allura plugin Application base class and the minimal fields you must override to write your plugin application. It will show how to build your MongoDB models, how to enable search, and how to set up asynchronous processing over RabbitMQ. This will be illustrated with the built-in Allura IRC chat application to show just how easy it can be to write your own plugin.