Travel Grants
PyCon US is excited to offer Travel Grants for 2025! Travel grants bring people to PyCon US who might otherwise not be able to attend, as well as support diversity, inclusion, and outreach to speakers, students, and other attendees.
Travel grant recipients receive support for some or all of their expenses, such as transportation, lodging, and complimentary registration. Our goal is to get the most people to PyCon US by optimizing the funds we have.
- The travel grant program is open to all attendees, volunteers, and speakers. Pythonistas (both current and aspiring) from various locations, Python experience, and backgrounds are welcome!
- Please see our 2024 blog post for more details about travel grant funding history and philosophy.
- The PSF supports a more diverse PyCon US via the travel grant program.
The mission of the Python Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers. We believe that the travel grant program is aligned with these goals.
- December 6, 2024: Travel grant applications open
- February 18, 2025: Travel grant applications close at 23:59:59 on February 18th US Eastern
- February 26, 2025: Travel grants awarded
- March 10, 2025: Deadline to accept / decline travel grants
- March 10, 2025: Receipts and Secure Document portals open
- May 15 - May 18, 2025: Disbursement sessions at PyCon US
Disbursement Sessions
Disbursement of funds will be onsite during the conference in USD. We offer many different options for travel grant recipients to receive funds; please see our Payment Options page for more information.
No funds will be disbursed prior to the event. Only those who attend the conference, confirm identity in person, and have submitted receipts will be reimbursed.
Travel Grant FAQ
Check out our FAQ page. Please don’t hesitate to email with questions.
Submit Travel Grant Application
To submit a travel grant application, sign up or log in to your PyCon US 2025 account, and proceed to the application:
PyCon US 2025 Travel Grant applications are open!
Please submit applications with the button above by February 18, 2025.
Travel Grant Sponsors
Thank you to our Travel Grant Sponsors and financial support from PyLadies, CPython Steering Council, and the PSF!
Interested in sponsoring the PyCon US travel grant program? Reach out to for all of our sponsorship options!