Change the future

Friday 4:30 p.m.–5 p.m.

If You Code, You Should Write

Brian K. Jones

Audience level:


Writing isn't just about dry project documentation or docstrings. It can actually be fun and interesting, and it's an enormous benefit to the community. This talk makes the case that writing is our civic duty to our community, and gives some tips to get started writing for various different venues & audiences.


  • Intro and Writing Experience (2 min)
  • Why My Writing Totally Sucks (3 min)
  • Why I Write Anyway (3 min)
  • Why You're Probably Not Writing (5 min)
    • "It's been done"
    • "I'm not doing anything interesting"
    • "I'm a bad writer"
    • "I don't know where to start"
    • Why all of these answers don't matter
  • Write Anything, Here's How (10 min)
    • Blog
    • Online Outlets
    • Print/Digital Magazines
    • Books (No, really, it's totally feasible!)
    • Project Docs
    • What not to write
  • Why The Community Needs You To Write (5 min)