Change the future

Friday 1:40 p.m.–2:25 p.m.

Python 3.3: Trust Me, It's Better than 2.7

Brett Cannon

Audience level:
Core Python (Language, Stdlib)


In this talk I will try to convince you that Python 3.3 is superior to Python 2.7 by going over the differences between Python 2.7 and Python 3.3 along with benchmark information to show where Python 3.3 shines in comparison to Python 2.7 (and vice-versa). If I accomplish my goal, you will walk out of this talk convinced that Python 2.7 is not the final version of Python you want to support.


The Pitch

Compared to Python 3.2, Python 3.3 has a lot of great new features and enhancements that make it very attractive. And compared to Python 2.7 it comes out to a phenomenal list of enhancements!

My Goal

The goal of this talk is to convince you that you want to update to Python 3.3. If you already have decided to, then great and I hope I show you something you didn't know. If you are on Python 3.2, this talk will introduce you to what new features are introduced in Python 3.3. And if you are still on Python 2.7, my hope is to convince you that upgrading to Python 3 is worth your time and effort.

How I'm Going to Pull This Off

There are two main parts to this talk. One is going over the feature set of Python 3.3 compared to Python 2.7. This is to make sure that those who have not kept up with Python 3 up to this point are not lost, although I will not focus too heavily on things that have been around since Python 3.0 so as to cover the more recent additions in Python 3.3.

The second part is going over various benchmark results to point out where Python 3.3 has a clear advantage over Python 2.7 in performance. While this might not be the case in every benchmark (and I will show those numbers), there are definitely some workloads where Python 3.3 is superior to Python 2.7.